The Superhero

In January 2021, I was putting together my content calendar for the year. I began searching for all the good insta-worthy days - you know, National Donut Day, International Pet Your Neighbors Cat Day (😂). As I was laughing my way through one weird "holiday" after the next, I stumbled across a Cancer Awareness calendar. My mom had a lumpectomy for breast cancer just 3 weeks earlier, so this was a topic that was front and center in my mind. I started scrolling through the months on the cancer calendar and when I got to September I burst into tears. September is Pediatric Cancer Month.
For some reason that day, simply seeing the words 'pediatric' and 'cancer' in the same sentence broke me. Those two words should not be allowed in the same sentence. Obviously, this was not the first time I had seen those 2 words, but I think it hit me that day simply because of my moms current battle with cancer combined with the semi-new lens that I was seeing the world through - the MOM lens. Once you become a mom, everything affects you differently than it did pre-kids. As I started to think about what life had to be like for all the moms and dads whose children were battling cancer, I immediately knew I had to do something to try to help or at least bring a little joy to their lives - so that is what I set out to do.
I decided I wanted to design a special scarf that would be just for pediatric cancer patients. The scarf had to be fun and colorful. It also needed to be slightly smaller than my other scarves. Since I was designing for children, I had to have the help of some very special children in my life! I immediately enlisted my 2 favorite boys in the world, my son, Grey, and my godson, Phillips!
I sat them down and tried (they are almost 2 and 5) to explain to them what my plan was and what I needed from them. Then I gave them my iPad and apple pencil and let them go to town! I did not help them at all except to change the color at their request.

I truly believe that owning a business gives you a responsibility to your community. What is the point of working this hard to build something to only keep it to yourself? Since I was a little girl, my mom has always told me to "leave this world a better place than you found it" and through CB Grey, that is exactly what I intend to do.

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