In Santa Fe, New Mexico, there lives a remarkable woman named Jane. Well, that's what her birth certificate says, but to her family and, most importantly, her beloved grandson Grey, she is known as Pippa... to me, she is Mama.
Known for her zest for life, Pippa is a force of nature. She is the kind of person who lights up any room she walks into. Some folks might say she's a tad annoying ;) with her non-stop chatter, but those who truly know her understand that's just her zest for life shining through - and it is contagious!
Pippa loves unconditionally, and her dedication to our family is unwavering. She works three days a week just to spoil her children and grandson with whatever their hearts desire. She has taught me the true meaning of sacrifice and generosity.
Pippa's energy is mindblowing (and sometimes exhausting, lol), especially when it comes to Grey. Watching them play soccer or cars together fills my heart with a warmth I can't quite describe. Bailey, her furry four-legged companion, holds the esteemed title of the "love of her life" - despite the eye-rolls she gets from the rest of us when she says that. ;)
One of the greatest lessons I've learned from my mom is the power of honesty. She is never afraid to speak her mind and to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means ruffling a few feathers along the way. Through her, I've come to understand that honesty is not just about speaking your mind; it's about being true to your soul and never compromising your values or beliefs - even for the sake of others.
But perhaps the most valuable lesson my mom has taught me is to follow my heart and my dreams. She's always been my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to pursue my passions and never settle for anything less than what makes me truly happy. Her unwavering support has given me the confidence to chase after my goals, even when the road ahead seems daunting.
Designing The Pippa was a challange, but also an endeavor of heart and reflection. The giraffes – a mother and her baby – stand tall and proud against sunset colors, symbolizing the protective love and towering strength that Pippa has always provided. They are creatures known for their strong bonds, much like mine with my Mama! The mix of warm and cool tones reflects her complex nature—passionate yet fun, joyful yet fierce, honest to a fault, and always unfailingly strong, and, of course, her love of Santa Fe sunsets.
And as I watch her now, at 75 years young, still embracing life with the same enthusiasm as ever, I'm reminded that age is just a number and the art of making memories is timeless.
So here's to you, Mama – my fearless, fiery, and endlessly inspiring Pippa. Thank you for teaching me to live life passionately, embrace honesty, and never stop chasing my dreams. Your love and guidance have shaped me in ways I can never fully express, and for that, I am eternally grateful.